Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cardboard Canoes


Design Achievements
• Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions - List at least 20 ideas you have regarding your solution.

  1. should have paddles
  2. needs to be longer then 4ft
  3. needs to be shorter then 6ft
  4. give it a propeller 
  5. make a seat inside of it
  6. make it not sink
  7. make a battleship
  8. make a sailboat
  9. give it a motor
  10. needs to float
  11. needs to be covered
  12. should have a flat bottom
  13. needs to have a V- like bottom
  14. canoe shaped
  15. covered in duck tape
  16. have something to help balance

Sketch Ideas - We made three different angle sketches

Prototype Ideas - We made two different models to help see where the boat may collapse

Select an Approach -We decided to go with the V-shaped bottom

Build Achievements
Build It! - Photo

The Early Bird Gets the Achievement -built our boat the fastest
V-Bottom - Our boat had a V- bottom

Reflection Achievements:Feedback -
  1. make a flat bottom
  2. give it a stabilizer
  3. give it a paddle
  4. give it a better seat
  5. make it wider and not taller
  6. tape up the inside
How Low Did You Go? -
Redesign -

Make Your Own Achievement
  • Transformer-made it into a surfboard
  • Man power-used the least amount of man power

1 comment:

  1. You're off to a good start with this one. Make sure you total up your achievements and post them to the top so i can efficiently verify them!

    I like your ideas for new achievements. If we're talking about using the least man-power, what would be a clever way to communicate that?
